Wave 1 Initial Findings | Briefing

Briefing No. 7 - Attainment and Assessment

Published: 26.05.2023

Authors: Jake Anders, Carl Cullinane, Alice De Gennaro, Erin Early, Erica Holt-White, Rebecca Montacute, Xin Shao and James Yarde


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This implies that the overall average score on this measure is zero. Where overall average scores reported in our analyses do not quite equal zero this is due to slight changes in sample composition. Further details on the construction of our baseline-adjusted attainment measure are reported in the Sample and Methods section.


Forthcoming data. Datalab. June 2023.


Holt-White, E., Shao, X., Montacute, R., Anders, J., Cullinane, C., De Gennaro, A., & Yarde, J. (2023). Wave 1 Initial Findings – Health Impacts and Behaviours. COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities (COSMO) study Briefing No. 5. London: UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities & Sutton Trust.


Shielding status here is based on survey responses to the following question: “During the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, has a doctor or the NHS advised that you should not attend school or college because you are or were clinically vulnerable?”. A higher proportion of the responding sample than expected (based on the overall rates of shielding in the population) responded that they had been advised not to attend school or college due to clinical vulnerability. The reasons for this may include measurement error and the results should be considered with this in mind, the most plausible of which is some attenuation of differences between the groups.


Cullinane, C., Anders, J., De Gennaro, A., Early, E., Holt-White, E., Montacute, R., Shao, X., & Yarde, J. (2022). Wave 1 Initial Findings – Lockdown Learning. COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities (COSMO) study Briefing No. 1. London: UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities & Sutton Trust.


Montacute, R., Holt-White, E., Anders, J., Cullinane, C., De Gennaro, A., Early, E., Shao, X., & Yarde, J. (2022). Wave 1 Initial Findings – Education Recovery and Catch Up. COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities (COSMO) study Briefing No. 2. London: UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities & Sutton Trust.




Expressed another way, it is highly likely that this characteristic is highly endogenous to performance in the GCSE TAGs.


For example: Anders, J., Macmillan, L., Sturgis, P., & Wyness, G. (2021). Inequalities in young peoples’ educational experiences and wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic (CEPEO Working Paper No. 21-08). Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, UCL.


Anders, J., Calderwood, L., Crawford, C., Cullinane, C., Goodman, A., Macmillan, L., Patalay, P., & Wyness, G. (2022). COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study: Wave 1, 2021-2022. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 9000, DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-9000-1.